Wednesday, December 29, 2010

i'd like to share a poem of hafiz


Where does the real poetry
come from?

From the amorous sighs
In this moist dark when making love
With form or

Where does poetry live?

In the eye that says, "Wow wee,"
In the overpowering felt splendor
Every sane mind knows
When it realizes---our life dance
Is only for a few magic

From the heart saying,

"I am so damn

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

this beautiful day

I used to feel like, when I prayed, that like maybe God wouldn't meet me. I used to feel like, did God "show up" or not. That mind set is so far from me now. Today I walked up Bernal hill, this hill that when you get to the top you can see all of San Fransisco, out to the bay...I looked and far out I saw a forest atop this giant hill, I saw the bay, I saw so many houses filled with so many lives, so many skyscrapers, filled with the corporate world, I saw the grass and these lush leaves growing from the ground, the wind caressed my bare skin, the sun kissed my back. Everywhere I looked...the people that walked by me, the yellow twinge in part of the leaves of a tree that's turning, the magnificent bursts of purple in the flowers of a nearby tree, an energetic dog running by...It's like now...God is so all around me, that sometimes I think I will just get lost in ecstasy, and possibly explode. It's like...somehow, and i think this happens by his grace, but somehow God's like stretched open wide this slit in the canvas of "reality" and let me climb through. Now I see the wonder of everything, and I'm sure I'm still missing so much. Everywhere I look I feel God, saying something to me. He's saying "love," in a million different forms. When I see a flower, it says to me it is His love in the form of beauty made for me to delight in in this very moment, when I eat an apple God says, "i love you, this was made for you," when I see someone sad, i hear God saying to love them, when a friend needs my ear, i hear God saying to me,  saying how much he loves me because he's chosen me to be the one who has the privilege to listen to one of his dear ones, inviting me to love them like he be him right there. (i don't want to offend anybody here, you are always welcome to substitute whatever gender you like when I'm talking about our Friend, I'm sure the one who is Spirit wouldn't mind a bit) It's like I cannot help but see God everywhere now. I want eyes that i may see, ears that i may hear, and a heart that understands. i want to live in this great love that whispers invitations to me through every movement of my world. I feel like I've realized that here and now, in this world, we are 100% living a reality with God, whether we realize it or not. We are speaking to Him through our lives, He is speaking to us through everything...If you ask I'm sure He'll let you hear it...what you may ask? the music, of course. otherwise you may get caught up, and forget that this is a party.