Can I be vulnerable with you?
I write because I cannot but write. Everything tells me that I must share what Wisdom is teaching me, every day in every dimension, every part of my being. It's like God, and I will call him God because that's who I believe I'm talking about...disregard all your prejudices about him for a moment. don't you think in your heart prejudice should end every time you look at another human being, can you naught but see your maker's face. Maybe you don't, maybe when you see women they remind you of your bitter controlling mom, maybe you don't, maybe, when you look at a man you see your father who left you...and thats hard. forgiveness is the key that will free you from the past. but when love gets ahold of you. and you get drunk on the One. you begin to see.
do you want to see?
when God gets ahold of you. he inundates your being so that you cannot help but for lack of a better word, ooze love. i just wanna ooze love to everyone and everything. i cant help it. Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. 8Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. anyone who loves...anyone...
my heart longs to love. to love in a way that cant be offended. to love in a way that doesn't judge or takes itself back when one is offended. i have no idea what it's supposed to look like but i know that true life comes no other way. to live in Love and Love in you. this is the essence of the Gospel, it is the reason for our existence. for us to be consumed by love and by that become a part of Love. i believe we all came from God who is love, and well all go back to Him in the end. there is very little talking about this any more. we went to church as kids but our father did not tell us the account of the Great Spirit and his relationship with Him in all his battles and triumphs.
I don't even know where i'm going with all this i just like to ramble being the crazy drunk one that i am.
I'm so drunk on God's love I can't see straight.
T was also thinking about how our entire economy is an example of how faith determines reality. Faith can not only move mountains, it can do just about anything. it can do almost as much as love. and together i believe they might be unstoppable.
where am i going with this? i'm not quite sure. but it has to do with the goodness of God. and believing for the outer limits of His grace. his goodness. and the richness of his being, from which we were made to feed on day after day.
close your eyes and think like the sunset. and how it goes to the outer reaches of the heavens and still there is more beyond. in how many dimensions is the sunset stretched? we have no idea what the answer is, i assure you. and then, it goes beyond that. to solar systems and literal galaxies that exist but we have never even seen. Ok so then think about you and how maybe God had such goodness for your life...and not even for just your life here, or just your physical being, but also your spiritual being that will live forever...that everything, everything he is using for your good, that he 100% loves you 100% of the time no matter what you do or what you've done...that he's 100% there for you all the time and he's never let you fall too far. I dunno. I think what I'm suggesting. and for the sake of speaking to everybody ill come out and say it, even though i may be more cryptic from now on, this spelling it out is work...but im just suggesting that life is good, that you are good, that God is good, that our destiny is love, that we are all ok, that everything is rich when you know God...i dont know, i guess somethings aren't fully explainable. but anyways, were all invited. were all meant to be God's spoiled rotten kids. =)
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