Friday, January 14, 2011


whoever reads this i pray would become rich this every way. may you be spoiled by God. 

its 2011. it feels already like my best year yet. i feel so surrounded by God's presence, blessing, love, friendship, family…i feel like opportunity is all around, like doors are just waiting to open to me. like this is a year of great favor for me. i feel like i am going to meet more family everywhere i go. i feel like i am going to start understanding things i never understood before. i think this is the year i will take up a meditation practice. and just focus on things differently in meditation than before...
God what should i meditate on? 


love, as hafiz says, what else should we even talk about for the rest of our lives. what else even is there. we must know love, be love, give love. every time we get out of step with love, we must realign ourselves. for this is the only way. 

do you ever wonder…why the eyes of everybody on the bus are empty. few light up with joy…or wonder.
i think something happens when we neglect to love. when we harbor bitterness or unforgiveness.
one, we stop having fun. 
we are killing ourselves from within. 

when we live to take instead of give we make ourselves poor. 

true riches can be created out of what we give.

if we give our lives, our money, our hearts, our kindness, our personalities, our food, our humor, our support, our encouragement, our love... if we but give, we make ourselves rich.

to truly be able to give we must trust in the provision of the Father for every single thing, or we may start to fear not having, and not give at all, for fear of lack. if you ask God to teach you to trust in his provision he will show you. God will show you pretty much anything you start asking about, i think. 

so true riches are forever because they exist in the part of ourselves, spirit, that is unseen and eternal, and it is the most real. it is the place in which each of us exists. we are not the body, we are the unseen, the animating spirit inside our body…that thinks and feels and dreams…that is us. so im saying…its possible to take that part of us, which nobody can take away from us…and fill it to the brim with riches. we can become so rich in spirit that we constantly pour forth joy and love and kindness and life everywhere we go, to every being we encounter. 

i am so incredibly spoiled by God. 

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