Tuesday, November 24, 2015

The Bees, The revolution, Our bodies, Ourselves

     Today one of the most major issues that we collectively are facing is the loss of massive amounts of bees. I also see some other issues that we are collectively facing; pollution and the degradation of the environment, the ruining of our soils through big farming and chemical usage on crops, the poisoning of our bodies through GMO's and pesticides, our economic slavery that takes us away for the majority of our time from our friends, children, partners, and homes, the threat of cancer/ disease/ health problems, dissatisfaction with our own bodies and feelings of less than optimal vitality and health. I've felt these issues in my own life and awareness and thought and prayed about how we the people can change these issues. I've realized that these issues, as well as many issues that we now together face, are not issues "out there" for governments and other people to solve. We are the people, we are the answer, and we can save the bees (which, hello, saves our, ahem, FOOD) and the planet, and our bodies, and ourselves. Can I get an amen? 
       So basically here's what I think the key is, simple, simple, simple. The key is….drumroll… eating a plant based, whole foods diet of local, organic fruits and vegetables, seeds and nuts. Best if sourced by a local friend or farmer or even yourself…..
        So for years I've heard local, I've heard organic, I've heard the bees are becoming extinct….but I've never put it together, never realized the connection so let me explain more deeply what I've realized….
        So the bees are becoming extinct and what is the culprit…we'll we are not totally sure of the entirety of it, however a big part of what is for sure contributing to it is the practice of agriculture in which chemicals are used, which uses chemicals that kill bees. So how do we put an end to the agro chem industry? How do we transform this corporate way of doing agriculture and save the bees, the environment, and ourselves??? Do we picket Monsanto centers? Do we petition the government? No. We simply stop buying and consuming the food. Any of it. All of it. For now, forever. 
      We take our money back to where it should be, local. We develop a relationship with the land and begin to grow our own food even if it just starts with a few herbs, maybe some tomatoes… We connect with our local ORGANIC farmer and begin to order our food from them. Around every city are plenty of organic farmers. We can connect with them and as a small community one person can go one week, even if they are an hour away and pick up grocery orders for them and their say 5 neighbors who live right around them and that way no one has to do it every week and everyone is getting their fresh organic seasonal food. 
     OK so what are the implications of this action? It is so multifaceted and powerful that I am just going to make a list and try to explain the different points as concisely as possible….
1.) buying organic food saves our soils…the use of agro chemicals has literally the same effect as NUCLEAR fall out on our soils. It also is then chemicals on our food, which we then put in our bodies…sound like a good idea? 
2.) Choosing to eat local organic means you're not supporting the use of chemicals in agriculture thus taking your energy away from the thing that is killing the bees. As long as you are eating produce and products grown with the use of ago chemicals, YOU are part of the problem (when I say you I also mean me because I am still on the path of becoming 100% organic in what I eat) So when we choose to eat local organic WE become part of the solution. Easy choice, powerful choice. Its a change that as soon as you make it begins to make a difference….
3.) Buying local organic helps support local farmers. enables them to produce more organic food for the community. takes money (energy, power) away from corporations, away from corporate agriculture that is poisoning the food, the soils, the environment, and our bodies. Begins to flow your energy from feeding the problem to feeding the solution
4.) Buying local organic and living from fruits, vegetables, seeds, and nuts practically eliminates packaging eliminating trash. It eliminates tons of pollution because your food doesn't have to be transported across large distances. It eliminates pollution by taking less chemicals out of our air. 
5.) local organic means your energy goes from going towards people having to work around toxic chemicals for corporations that exploit and enslave them to instead going towards empowering people to live in harmony with nature and to serve their community
6.) local organic promotes community
7.) By shifting your diet to local organic fruit veg seeds nuts, your are eliminating packaged process foods from your diet. That means you're getting the pollution out of your body! That means instead of putting your money (energy/ power) towards polluting yourself you shift into putting your money/ energy into nourishing yourself. Nourishing yourself empowers you to be the best you, which empowers you to live your true purpose here on Earth whatever that may be, which makes the world a better happier place…. 
8.) By eating local organic and not consuming processed packaged foods you TOTALLY disempower the GMO's. You disempower the use of chemicals that are killing the bees. You empower your body to thrive. 
9.) By eating local organic fruit veg seeds nuts you are taking your money/ power away from SUPPORTING CORPORATIONS that poison us and exploit us and putting it towards your community
10.) Your body will begin to thrive
11.) You will begin to feel more clear 
12.) You will have more energy
13.)As you eat more fruits and veggies your body will begin to look amazing and thrive. You will begin to feel awesome in your body. Allergies that you've had for years will miraculously disappear… try it, i dare you. 
14.) Local organic food is seasonal so the food contains everything you need to counteract the allergies of the season

So basically as we move away from foods grown with chemicals we move towards saving the bees, that then has a domino effect in our lives and on the environment that is so much more powerful than I can even go into here. What do you want your energy to go towards? Let us be the change we want to see in the world. 

Love and blessings my friends. 

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